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Learner Spotlight: Kulani Marivate

Learn all about how UCT OHS learner Kulani is able to schedule her school work around her demanding dance training, all thanks to online learning.
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We’re in awe of the amazing achievements of our learners – both online and offline. 

With our Learner Spotlight series, we want to highlight these achievements and explore how learners like Kulani are taking their passions to the next level. 

Meet Kulani

“I most definitely see dance taking me more places around the world and I’m very excited for that.” – Kulani Marivate, UCT Online High School learner

Kulani Marivate is a Grade 10 learner at UCT Online High School and a competitive dancer. 

Kulani started her dancing career with ballet lessons in preschool and then moved to competitive dancing when she was in Grade 3. Her greatest dance-related achievement to date was winning her section at the World Lyrical Dance Championship in Dublin.

Attending UCT Online High School has helped Kulani by allowing her to structure school work around her demanding dance schedule.

“Online school helped me a lot… because it allowed me to make my own school hours. For example, if I have dance in the morning, I can do school in the afternoon to evening… [it also gives me] the opportunity to do school on the go,” she explains.

Get to know more about Kulani, her passion for dance and her experience as a UCT Online High School learner

Become a UCT Online High School learner

If you have any questions about what UCT Online High School has to offer, please feel free to contact us. If you’re ready to join Kulani at UCT Online High School, you can submit your application today.

Learner Spotlight
October 2024

Learner Spotlight: Kulani Marivate

Learn all about how UCT OHS learner Kulani is able to schedule her school work around her demanding dance training, all thanks to online learning.

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We’re in awe of the amazing achievements of our learners – both online and offline. 

With our Learner Spotlight series, we want to highlight these achievements and explore how learners like Kulani are taking their passions to the next level. 

Meet Kulani

“I most definitely see dance taking me more places around the world and I’m very excited for that.” – Kulani Marivate, UCT Online High School learner

Kulani Marivate is a Grade 10 learner at UCT Online High School and a competitive dancer. 

Kulani started her dancing career with ballet lessons in preschool and then moved to competitive dancing when she was in Grade 3. Her greatest dance-related achievement to date was winning her section at the World Lyrical Dance Championship in Dublin.

Attending UCT Online High School has helped Kulani by allowing her to structure school work around her demanding dance schedule.

“Online school helped me a lot… because it allowed me to make my own school hours. For example, if I have dance in the morning, I can do school in the afternoon to evening… [it also gives me] the opportunity to do school on the go,” she explains.

Get to know more about Kulani, her passion for dance and her experience as a UCT Online High School learner

Become a UCT Online High School learner

If you have any questions about what UCT Online High School has to offer, please feel free to contact us. If you’re ready to join Kulani at UCT Online High School, you can submit your application today.

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