This week our Matric class of 2024 received their results from our examination body, SACAI. We are proud of the achievements of the class of 2024, but have noted with concern that there are discrepancies in some of the final examination marks. We are engaging with our examination body around these issues, as well as conducting our own internal analysis. SACAI is solely responsible for setting, administering and grading their Matric papers, and we encourage families to contact SACAI directly, via the established call lines, where they have concerns related to their final results.
- Every learner deserves recognition for their efforts, and we celebrate their achievements. Two exceptional individuals stand out: Hanna Olla was placed in the SACAI national top 3 learners with 6 distinctions.
- Mahlori Ngobeni was the top achiever in Physical Science for the SACAI 2024 national cohort with 99% for his final mark.
From our preliminary analysis, there are also a number of key trends across the cohort which continue to validate our approach to teaching and learning at UCT Online High School. These include:
- Learners who completed their entire FET phase (Grade 10, 11 and 12) with UCT Online High School had a higher pass rate.
- 49% of learners who spent 4 hours or more per day engaging in their academics achieved a bachelors pass.
For our learners who did not achieve the results they were hoping for we encourage you to contact SACAI as well as apply for a remark or rewrite. We also want to take this opportunity to reassure our families that all SBA results were submitted by us to SACAI in good time. Our guardians will shortly be able to view their learner’s SBA results via the Guardian Portal and will receive further communication once they are available.
Finally, we continue to stand proudly by our commitment to making quality education accessible by not setting academic barriers to enrollment, nor preventing Grade 11s from enrolling in Grade 12 to boost our academic results. UCT Online High School is one of the few schools in the country that allow Grade 12 learners to register with us at the start of their Matric year. Because of this, UCT Online High School serves a unique profile of families, from across all Provinces, and from far more diverse circumstances, than a traditional school. We strongly believe that every learner who wants to write their National Senior Certificate should have the opportunity and support to do so and will continue to stand by this commitment.