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Learner Spotlight: Kirsty Goodall

Discover how online learning has paved the way for learner Kirsty to pursue her passion for figure skating.
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Aside from the outstanding work our learners are doing online, they’re also flourishing offline.

Our Learner Spotlight series shines a light on the incredible accomplishments our learners achieve, highlighting individual stories of how they’re taking their passions to the next level.

Meet Kirsty

“What I like most about UCT Online High School is the flexibility I have to plan my day around my activities. Also, I'm a night owl and I do my best work late in the evening.” – Kirsty Goodall, UCT Online High School learner

Kirsty Goodall is a figure skater (both solo and synchronised). She’s also in Grade 11 at UCT Online High School. 

Kirsty was part of Team In-Sync, which represented South Africa at the Neuchâtel Trophy in Switzerland in February 2022. This was the first time South Africa had a mixed-age synchronised skating team competing internationally, and they did very well, placing fourth.

As a solo skater, Kirsty has represented her province at the South African National Championships a number of times, earning her Central Gauteng colours.

Before joining UCT Online High School, Kirsty wasn’t able to finish her training sessions without missing school. 

“We have practice sessions from 5h30 to 7h30 in the morning three times a week, and before I joined online school I had to leave before 7h00 in order to get to school on time. Now I can practise for the full session without missing out on classes,” she said. 

Get to know more about Kirsty, her passion for figure skating and her experience as a UCT Online High School learner

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Join Kirsty and all our other bright shining learners at UCT Online High School by submitting your application today. You can also contact us if you have any questions about what UCT Online High School has to offer.

Learner Spotlight
October 2024

Learner Spotlight: Kirsty Goodall

Discover how online learning has paved the way for learner Kirsty to pursue her passion for figure skating.

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Aside from the outstanding work our learners are doing online, they’re also flourishing offline.

Our Learner Spotlight series shines a light on the incredible accomplishments our learners achieve, highlighting individual stories of how they’re taking their passions to the next level.

Meet Kirsty

“What I like most about UCT Online High School is the flexibility I have to plan my day around my activities. Also, I'm a night owl and I do my best work late in the evening.” – Kirsty Goodall, UCT Online High School learner

Kirsty Goodall is a figure skater (both solo and synchronised). She’s also in Grade 11 at UCT Online High School. 

Kirsty was part of Team In-Sync, which represented South Africa at the Neuchâtel Trophy in Switzerland in February 2022. This was the first time South Africa had a mixed-age synchronised skating team competing internationally, and they did very well, placing fourth.

As a solo skater, Kirsty has represented her province at the South African National Championships a number of times, earning her Central Gauteng colours.

Before joining UCT Online High School, Kirsty wasn’t able to finish her training sessions without missing school. 

“We have practice sessions from 5h30 to 7h30 in the morning three times a week, and before I joined online school I had to leave before 7h00 in order to get to school on time. Now I can practise for the full session without missing out on classes,” she said. 

Get to know more about Kirsty, her passion for figure skating and her experience as a UCT Online High School learner

Become a UCT Online High School learner

Join Kirsty and all our other bright shining learners at UCT Online High School by submitting your application today. You can also contact us if you have any questions about what UCT Online High School has to offer.

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